A modest example: Insertion sort on linked lists

To demonstrate these techniques, we will now produce code to perform insertion sort on a linked list. We'll start by defining our data structure, then defining the routines we want to write, then producing actual code for those routines. A downloadable version that will run unmodified on a Commodore 64 closes the chapter.

The data structure

We don't really want to have to deal with pointers if we can possibly avoid it, but it's hard to do a linked list without them. Instead of pointers, we will use cursors: small integers that represent the index into the array of values. This lets us use the many-small-byte-arrays technique for our data. Furthermore, our random data that we're sorting never has to move, so we may declare it as a constant and only bother with changing the values of head and the next arrays. The data record definition looks like this:

  head : byte;
  data : const int[16] = [838, 618, 205, 984, 724, 301, 249, 946,
                          925,  43, 114, 697, 985, 633, 312,  86];
  next : byte[16];

Exactly how this gets represented will vary from assembler to assembler. Ophis does it like this:

.space head 1
.space next 16

lb:   .byte <$838,<$618,<$205,<$984,<$724,<$301,<$249,<$946
      .byte <$925,<$043,<$114,<$697,<$985,<$633,<$312,<$086
hb:   .byte >$838,>$618,>$205,>$984,>$724,>$301,>$249,>$946
      .byte >$925,>$043,>$114,>$697,>$985,>$633,>$312,>$086

Doing an insertion sort

To do an insertion sort, we clear the list by setting the 'head' value to -1, and then insert each element into the list one at a time, placing each element in its proper order in the list. We can consider the lb/hb structure alone as an array of 16 integers, and just insert each one into the list one at a time.

procedure insertion_sort
  head := -1;
  for i := 0 to 15 do
    insert_elt i

This translates pretty directly. We'll have insert_elt take its argument in the X register, and loop with that. However, given that insert_elt is going to be a complex procedure, we'll save the value first. The assembler code becomes:

; insertion'sort:  Sorts the list defined by head, next, hb, lb.
; Arguments:  None.
; Modifies:   All registers destroyed, head and next array sorted.

        lda #$FF        ; Clear list by storing the terminator in 'head'
        sta head
        ldx #$0         ; Loop through the lb/hb array, adding each
insertion'sort'loop:    ; element one at a time
        jsr insert_elt
        cpx #$10
        bne insertion'sort'loop

Inserting an element

The pseudocode for inserting an element is a bit more complicated. If the list is empty, or the value we're inserting goes at the front, then we have to update the value of head. Otherwise, we can iterate through the list until we find the element that our value fits in after (so, the first element whose successor is larger than our value). Then we update the next pointers directly and exit.

procedure insert_elt i
   if head = -1 then begin
      head := i;
      next[i] := -1;
   val := data[i];
   if val < data[i] then begin
      next[i] := head;
      head := i;
   current := head;
   while (next[current] <> -1 and val < data[next[current]]) do
      current := next[current];
   next[i] := next[current];
   next[current] := i;

This produces the following rather hefty chunk of code:

; insert_elt: Insert an element into the linked list.  Maintains the
;             list in sorted, ascending order.  Used by
;             insertion'sort.
; Arguments:  X register holds the index of the element to add.
; Modifies:   All registers destroyed; head and next arrays updated

.space lbtoinsert 1
.space hbtoinsert 1
.space indextoinsert 1


        ldy head                        ; If the list is empty, make
        cpy #$FF                        ; head point at it, and return.
        bne insert_elt'list'not'empty
        stx head
        sta next,x
        lda lb,x                        ; Cache the data we're inserting
        sta lbtoinsert
        lda hb,x
        sta hbtoinsert
        stx indextoinsert
        ldy head                        ; Compare the first value with
        sec                             ; the data.  If the data must
        lda lb,y                        ; be inserted at the front...
        sbc lbtoinsert
        lda hb,y
        sbc hbtoinsert
        bmi insert_elt'not'smallest
        tya                             ; Set its next pointer to the
        sta next,x                      ; old head, update the head
        stx head                        ; pointer, and return.
        ldx head
insert_elt'loop:                        ; At this point, we know that
        lda next,x                      ; argument > data[X].
        cpy #$FF                        ; if next[X] = #$FF, insert arg at end.
        beq insert_elt'insert'after'current
        lda lb,y                        ; Otherwise, compare arg to
        sec                             ; data[next[X]].  If we insert
        sbc lbtoinsert                  ; before that...
        lda hb,y
        sbc hbtoinsert
        bmi insert_elt'goto'next
insert_elt'insert'after'current:        ; Fix up all the next links
        ldy indextoinsert
        sta next,y
        sta next,x
        rts                             ; and return.
insert_elt'goto'next:                   ; Otherwise, let X = next[X]
        tya                             ; and go looping again.
        jmp insert_elt'loop

The complete application

The full application, which deals with interfacing with CBM BASIC and handles console I/O and such, is in structuredemo.oph.